
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Turning of the Hearts

Turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers.  We’ve heard a lot about this in the past few years, but this cry for meaningful relationship between generations has escalated in recent months – or maybe I’m just hearing it louder.

I’m currently reading a book by Lisa Bevere called Nurture.   Lisa underscores the need for mothers and mentors and our need to be even more intentional in our pursuit of personal relationships that make a difference.

I’ve been doing a lot of self-examination in this area.  I don’t have answers.  I probably have more questions if anything.  But I do acknowledge that one of the ways that helps to turn my heart is when I intentionally spend time praying for the young adults in my life, and even for those I don’t know.

Recently I attended Empowered21, which was an intergenerational conference that had at its heart, this desire to see the generations coming together.   One morning general session lead by Jack Hayford has come back to my mind several times.  Hayford was joined on stage by two of his grandsons and about 9 other ORU students/grads.   Each one told of one way that they desired the older generation to pray specifically for their generation. 

Here is a basic summary of those Prayer Points:

1)           Spiritual Fathers to BE Fathers (mentors) to them
2)                 Conviction that leads to repentance
3)           Identity of this generation to be found in Christ.
4)                 Preservation of FOCUS in a world that is full of distractions
5)           Not to be deceived
6)           Understanding and revelation
7)           Prayer & unity
8)                 Hear the voice of God
9)           Stand in purity
10                 Relentless love to reach the lost
11                Be light in darkness
12                Righteous examples in all they do
13                No compromise
14                Willingness to pay the cost
15                Holiness and fidelity to the Word.
1                   Strengthening of family (the banishment of spirit of machismo in the Latino world)

What I liked was that the list wasn’t something contrived by a guessing older generation, but rather it came from the hearts of young adults.   As I sat in this session with my 21-year-old daughter Amanda, time and time again, as these points were being mentioned – she was affirming and agreeing with them.  They were tapping into the very things she desires and what many in her generation are longing for. 

It’s time to be intentional in how we pray and build relationships.   How in the world to we do this?  Well, perhaps it starts with telling God we are available and then walking in obedience where He leads and guides.    And we pray.  We pray this list.  A list born in the hearts of a generation who is asking God for spiritual mothers and fathers who will take seriously the cry of their heart.

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  1. Love your heart! Thanks for sharing. So glad "Nurture" has been a blessing to you... May God continue to enlarge your life in every area!

    Visit our blog @ www.MessengerInternational.org!
